Not the first president to wear diapers.
Reader Review
"From the opening episode, a torrent of compelling, rapid-fire and witty dialogue is unleashed upon the reader, replete with amusing off-beat references and a pretty spot-on sketch of mission-driven government agents. Further reading will make clear that the plan being hatched here, while amusing, is just absurd. But is it, really? Soon after the book was conceived, at least one state in the US has taken steps to declare that embryos created from IVF is lawfully a human being. All these sets the stage for what promises to be a whimsical fun ride with the author's deft hand at the controls. The rest of the content appears to be the end product of a fecund and talented mind. Let's all hope that the underlying real threat here, which could be enacted as a consequence of who won in November 2024, is categorically aborted." --G.O.
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