Who Are We?

True Story: That's Our Motto

Ethan, Floyd, and Max are three shitheads from Mystic Island, MA. Ethan took his extensive knowledge of writing and ignored it when Max said he wanted to publish books to sell in the T-shirt shop where he worked, all without his boss's knowledge, and yes, this is probably a run-on sentence, but, like we said, Ethan isn't much of a writer.

  • Max

    Max is the brains of the outfit (which is pretty sad). He came up with the half-assed idea to sell books out of the F.N. Best T-Shirt Company without his boss's knowledge because Frank Best is a clueless dipshit idiot. Ha, should I actually write that? Wouldn't matter, he's a shithead that doesn't read anything. Wait, are you doing voice to text? No.

  • Ethan

    Ethan is the heart of the outfit. He is an awe-inspiring writing talent that can evaluate and analyze the highest quality stories we publish here. Having never been published himself (being a misunderstood genius), he is happy to give others the chance. You're saying all that? You sound like a dick? I'll rewrite it later and tone it down a little.

  • Floyd

    Floyd is the...we aren't sure what Floyd does. He kind of just sits around saying stupid shit. Hey. It's true. Fuck you both, I'm leaving. Bring back some pizza.

I don't want your degenerate friends hanging out in my shop all the time.

Franklin Nathanial Best

Main Working Principles

Find the awesomest stories ever.

Publish them.
